World Strategy        World New Star
Consluting:  Strategy, VC, Web +, Fashion, R.Estate, Study-Immigrate, Antique
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Welcome to our World strategy Website.

    This site is on the construction. Welcome venture capital which can help us speeding up the construction!

    Our world is facing a new opportunity for development. The new economy will promote the transformation of the traditional industries. The favorable economic conditions in China and the United States will promote the development of the world economy. The high and new technologies of innovation and development are prompting the reform of the industry and the emergence of new industries. For all countries and enterprises, are you ready for new challenges in investing aggressively in new technologies and new economy? We will provide comprehensive high-tech information, technical cooperation, business cooperation and development strategies:

    1. National, industrial, corporate hightech development strategy.

    2. Help high-tech projects and venture capital cooperation.

    3. Help Nations, Companies, and businesses to innovation and problem- solving.

    4. Talent training, personnel cooperation, partner advisory services.

    5. We will continue to post hightech recruitment information, hope enterprises and individuals to contact us.

    6. Our web will help you to promote you in the world market.

    Please contact us:

Our Developing Strategies for Canada

1. Developing Strategies for the Canada
    by  Chief Editor  F. Jiang  2015.01.01
2. Developing Strategies for the Province of Ontario, Canada
    by  Chief Editor  F. Jiang  2015.01.13
3. Developing Strategies for the City of Hamilton, Ontario
    by  Chief Editor  F. Jiang  2015.01.01
4. Developing Strategies for the Province of Alberta, Canada
    by  Chief Editor  F. Jiang  2015.02.24
5. Developing Strategies for the City of Calgary, Alberta
    by  Chief Editor  F. Jiang  2015.02.26
6. Developing Strategies for the Canada
    by  Chief Editor  F. Jiang  2016.01.06

Our Developing Strategies for USA

1. Developing Strategies for States, Cities
2. Developing Strategies for Corporation
3. Developing Strategies for your Marketing System
4. Developing Strategies for Education System
5. Developing Strategies for Health System
6. Developing Strategies for Tourism
7. Developing Strategies for Innovation
8. Developing Strategies for Venture capital
9. Problem Solving for you

1. Developing Strategies for States, Cities

    In the USA, the conditions of economy, laws, technology level, talented people, and qualified professionals are the same. But the development of every State and cities is very different. Many small and weak States, cities have been quickly developing, some of the developed cities have been caught up. The key point is the difference of the developing innovation strategy and problem solving ability.
    Feshing has been involved in worldwide e-consulting markets. What we can do for you:
    (1) Feshing would evaluate your State / city's developing strategy based on global, your country's economy, your state / city's advantageous and disadvantageous condition and then provide advices about your State / city's developing innovation strategy.
    (2) We would also modify this strategy according to global & your country's economic changes, and make your State / city's a fast growing State / city in your country.

2. Developing Strategies for Corporation

    If we overview the economic developing history, many small companies become a leader in their industry section and many big companies have been out of business. The key point is the difference of the developing innovation strategy and problem solving ability.
    Feshing has been involved in worldwide e-consulting markets. What we can do for you:
    (1) Feshing would like to provide advices about your company's short term and long term developing strategies.
    (2) We would also like to modify these strategies according to global developing changes, and make your company a continuous fast growing company.

3. Consulting on your Marketing System

    Marketing is the company's life. How to market your products in local and global markets is very important.
    Feshing has been involved in worldwide e-consulting markets. We will like to help you reach your goal.
    What we can do for you:
    (1) We will like to evaluate your marketing strategy/system and give you some advices.
    (2) If you are interested in our advice, we will help you modify your marketing strategy/system or help you market your products worldwide and support you to be a big winner.

  We can service to the customers in the local cities (such as Hamilton, Burlington, Guelph, London, Cambridge, Mississauga, Toronto ) in Ontario, Canada. We can also service to the customs by e-mail in the other cities (such as Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Halifax,Saskatoon,Saint John,Charlottetown) in Canada and worldwide (such as New York, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Indianapolis, Boston, Columbus, Detroit, Baltimore, Miami in US, Brasilia, Mexico city, Buenos Aires, Paris, London, Berlin, Rome, Moscow, Athens, Amsterdam, Madrid, Oslo, Stockholm, Bern, Budapest, Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya in Japan, China Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi, Jiangyin, Chongqing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, fuzhou, Xiamen, Wuhan, Changsha, Xian, Dalian, Shenyan, Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, New Delhi, Cairo, Kuwait city).

  If you have questions, please contact us.

About us | Contact us | Advertise with us | Legal info

"" is a division of Feshing International Inc.
Copyright since 2016.12.6, All rights reserved by Feshing International Inc.



  World_Hightech News


  World Hightech Strategy

  World VC-Project

  World Hightech Job,HR

  World HT:All Hightech Area

  WHT AI:Chip,Platf,network,robot

  WHT IT:Cp,Web,Moble,Telcom









  Environment Protection


  Hightech Club

  Hightech Site

Our Services

  Our Services


  Innovation - VC Investment

  Web + Marketing

  Real Estate

  Life,Study Plan

  Canada Study-Immigrate

  Arts & Antiques


Our Services

1.Web+ Marketing
If you need more customers, please contact us. We will help you expanding your business in local, or Ontario, Canada, US, UK, China and worldwide. You just need a little spending to start.
 Web+ Marketing Team

2.Feshing Club-EIP
We welcome students, entrepreneurs, investors, organizational managers, and service providers to join our entrepreneurial, investing partner club.
 Feshing Club-EIP

3.Study and Immigration
Canada is one of the best live and developed country in the world. If you would like study and immigrating to here, please contact us. Welcome tutors.
 Study-Immigration Team

If you or your children like a bright future, need problem solving, please contact us. We will help you.Welcome tutors.
 Study Team

If you would like touring, searching antiques,shopping in city of Toronto, or you need appraisal your Chinese antiques, please contact us. We will help you.
 Touring-Shop-Antique Team

5.Feshing club-Health
There are many barriers in life. If you don't pay attention and you may die early. If you are in middle-aged, busy with work, and have no time to take care of yourself. If you are retired and economically rich, you hope live health and live longer. please contact us, we will help you live health and live longer.
 Feshing club-Health

6.Feshing Clubs
If you would like join Feshing many interested clubs, or you can offer service to our clubs, please contact us.
 Feshing Clubs

Your Donation

  1 ALS- ice bucket challenge
This is a rare incurable disease in the world, the British scientists Hawking is suffering from ALS; the current lack of research funding, hope that the generous donation of loving philanthropists.
 ALS Team